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What We Believe...

   We Believe --


  • the Bible is the very Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, and was verbally inspired.  We believe in and still use the King James Version.


  • in one God, eternally self-existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


  • Jesus was Holy Ghost begotten of the virgin Mary.  We believe that He died for our sins, rose again bodily the third day, ascended back to Heaven where He sits at the right hand of God as the only advocate for mankind, and that His blood is the only atonement for man's sin.


  • there is a personal devil, and a literal hell: a place of conscious punishment for the unsaved.


  • in the imminent, personal, pretribulational, and premillennial return of Jesus Christ.


  • in two resurrections: The first, of the saved at the appearing of Christ at the Rapture of the living saints.  The second, of the wicked dead at the end of the world, their judgment at the Great White throne, then being cast into the Lake of Fire where they will suffer forever.


  • in the eternal security of all born again believers.


  • a New Testament church is an organized body of baptized believers practicing Scriptural ordinances which are: Baptism by immersion, and by the authority of the local church, and the Lord's Supper to be taken only by obedient baptized believers.  We believe that the church was established by Jesus Christ for the fellowship and edification of the saints, and the propagation of the Gospel.


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